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Configure the Repro List Processing

When using PLOSSYS 4 (p4) as a backend system, the PLOSSYS 4 (p4) connector interprets jobs by default as set collations for PLOSSYS 4. The jobs are generated as set collations and sent to the stargate.

Alternatively, you can activate the repro list processing in the PLOSSYS 4 (p4) connector, that means the connector interprets jobs as repro lists. Then, the jobs are generated as repro lists and sent to the configured gate directory, by default, rlipdmgate.

When using PLOSSYS Output Engine (p5) as a backend system, repro lists can be printed if the list file includes HREF file locations for each included document. SEAL Operator will then separate the repro list into different print jobs, locate the files and send them to the PLOSSYS Output Engine system.

For how to use the repro list processing, refer to Import Repro List Files.

Activate the Repro List Processing

This way you activate the repro list processing in the PLOSSYS 4 (p4) connector:

  1. Export the complete configuration of SEAL Operator from Consul to a YAML file in order to ensure that the current configuration settings are used.

    operator config export <filename>.yml --insecure
  2. Edit the exported file <filename>.yml.

  3. In the env section, specify the following key for the operator-p4 service:

              TARGET_CONTENT_TYPE: application/rli
  4. Save the <filename>.yml file and re-import it to Consul.

    operator config import <filename>.yml --insecure

Change the Target Gate

By default, rlipdmgate is used as target gate for the repro list processing. To change the target gate, execute the following steps:

  1. Open the Windows System dialog and select Advanced System Settings.

  2. In the System Properties dialog, select Environment Variables.

  3. Specify the following node-p4rest key as System Variables:

    • RLIGATE: Name of the target directory for the repro list files (rli, rlist) without path
  4. Restart the following service:

    • node-p4rest

Specify Job Parameters

There are 3 keys to influence repro list processing with the PLOSSYS 4 connector.

  • TARGET_FILE_KEY: Key where to put the names of local files. Default PLS_ORIG_NAME

  • RLI_JOBNAME_KEY: Key in repro list files to be used as job name. Default name. If it doesn't exist, PLS_PLOTID, PLS_ORIG_NAME and a self-generated UUID are used in this order.

    Hint - case-sensitive

    name is case-sensitive, so, for example, if a Name key is contained in the repro list, it will not be used.

  • USER_NAME_KEY: Key to store the name of the logged-in user. By default, no user name is set in a repro list passed to PLOSSYS 4. If you want the name of the logged-in user to be set in the repro list, specify the repro list key where to put the user name (e. g. PLS_USERNAME).

To change any of these keys execute the following steps:

  1. Export the complete configuration of SEAL Operator from Consul to a YAML file in order to ensure the current configuration settings are being used.

    operator config export <filename>.yml --insecure
  2. Edit the exported file <filename>.yml.

  3. In the env section, specify the keys you need for the operator-p4 service:

              TARGET_FILE_KEY: <plossys_key>
              RLI_JOBNAME_KEY: <rli_key>
              USER_NAME_KEY: <plossys_key>
  4. Save the file.

  5. Re-import it to Consul.

    operator config import <filename>.yml --insecure

Import Repro List Files

You can import Repro List Files either via Drag & Drop or via URL parameter.

Via Drag & Drop

In SEAL Print Client, drag & drop the repro list file to the list panel (My Lists) or any PLOSSYS panel.

Via Web Server

To import a repro list to SEAL Operator, you can use a Web server which provides the repro list. Add the URL of the repro list as parameter to the URL when calling the PLOSSYS 4 Panel in your web browser:


Example - import via Web server

Hint - Content-Type application/rli

Ensure that the Web server which provides the repro list sets Content-Type to application/rli in the response header!


Messages concerning the list import are logged into the following log files:

  • Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\SEAL Systems\log\seal-operator-server.log

  • Linux: /var/log/seal/seal-operator-server.log

Example of a Repro List

Example - repro list referring local files for PDM

    VERSION             "01.00"
    PLOT_DIREKT         "Y"
    LOG_LEVEL           "diag"

    PROCESS_GOOD        "pass"
    PROCESS_MISSING     "pass"
    PROCESS_UNKNOWN     "pass"

    JOBID               "Project X, Job 0000001"
    PLOTTER             "LaserJet"
    FORMAT              A3
    MEDIUM              PA
    COPIES              1
    SET_COPIES          1
    STAMP_0             "Only for information"hi
    COVER_MESSAGE_1     "Local documents for project X. This is only for information. Documents are not released yet."
    COVER_MESSAGE_2     "Due-date: 26.12.2019"
    COVER_MESSAGE_4     "!!! Only for internal use !!!"

    USER                "johndoe"
    CREATOR             "johndoe"
    REALUSER            "johndoe"
    CREATENODE          "SERVER1"
    FULLNAME            "John Doe"
    DESCRIPTION         "Lead developer"
    EMAIL_DIS           ""
    ADDR_DIS_1          "%FULLNAME%"
    ADDR_DIS_2          "Development"
    ADDR_DIS_3          "%EMAIL_DIS%"
    ADDR_DIS_4          ""


    PRINT_COVER         "Y"
    PRINT_RECEIPT       "Y"
    PRINT_TRAILER       "Y"
    DRAWLIST            "Y"
    PRINT_DRAWING       "Y"
    DEPARTMENT          "Manufactoring"
    EMAIL_REC           ""
    ADDR_REC_1          "Jane Doe"

    PRINT_COVER         "Y"
    PRINT_RECEIPT       "Y"
    PRINT_TRAILER       "Y"
    DRAWLIST            "Y"
    PRINT_DRAWING       "Y"
    DEPARTMENT          "Sales and Distribution"
    EMAIL_REC           ""
    ADDR_REC_1          "Jack Doe"

    RECEIVER            #0
    Nummer              #1
    Blatt               #2
    Index               #3
    Status              #4
    Titel               #5
    PLOTTYPE            #6
    LOCALFILE           #7


Hint - HREF value

When using repro lists with a PLOSSYS Output Engine backend system LOCALFILE reference isn't needed. Instead the list needs to contain HREF file locations. For example

    RECEIVER            #0
    Nummer              #1
    Blatt               #2
    Index               #3
    Status              #4
    Titel               #5
    PLOTTYPE            #6
    LOCALFILE           #7
    HREF                #8

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